Comfort zone: your way out of it

Comfort zone: your way out of it
This article is for you if you want to know why you stay in your comfort zone and how you can build your own personalized roadmap to get out of it.
By the end of this article, you will have the awareness and willingness to work specifically on your comfort zone in order to overcome your own limitations and achieve lightness. Julia's 3-step plan will support you in this.

Why we stay in our comfort zone and why we should step out of it

The comfort zone is not a physical place, but a mental state in which we find ourselves at the level of our habits. In our comfort zone, we do things that we already know and that don't require much effort. Here we have no negative experiences and feel safe and familiar. We often remain in our comfort zone because it gives us a feeling of "everything is okay the way it is". The human brain is programmed to avoid risks in order to survive. That's why it finds the comfort zone particularly attractive at first glance.

But leaving the comfort zone is important because it is the key to personal growth and developing our full potential. New experiences, challenges and risks are all part of the journey. Beyond the comfort zone, opportunities for self-improvement, broadening our horizons and discovering new skills await us.

Julia Wöllner in portance

I often find that people are firmly convinced that something won't work. It's probably because they've never tried it before. It could be a personal discussion with an important person, it could be the desire to work flexibly in a distant country, it could be a salary negotiation with a superior or finding a healthy balance between work and private life. Do you recognize yourself? If so, read the first section again and you'll be able to understand your comfort zone a little better. 

From comfort zone to growth zone - the four phases

In this diagram, you can see the complete development that we go through when we leave the comfort zone. It would be too easy if everything made sense straight away and we could get into the flow state immediately. 

Comfort zone portance

Source: Julia C. Wöllner, excerpt from the program Mountain Mindset by Julia C. Wöllner

The comfort zone

As already mentioned, the comfort zone is an absolute comfort zone - there is no risk, we stagnate in relation to our specific topic, we feel safe. The "dangerous" thing is that we often don't realize it. We don't even know that we are stuck in a momentum full of security and that we are a long way from emotional and mental freedom. This is exactly why you are reading this article - to reflect on yourself and recognize where you are stuck in your comfort zone. The fact that you are doing this right now is the first - and an incredibly important - step in this process. 

The fear zone

So once we have brought awareness to the situation and know that this particular comfort zone exists, we start to look at what happens when we step out of that zone. We enter the fear zone. Challenges become visible, weaknesses become apparent and our self-worth often dwindles as we realize what treasure we have kept hidden for so long. We often start to procrastinate and invent reasons why it doesn't make sense right now to deal with measures that lie outside our comfort zone. This zone is extremely important. Because this is where you decide whether to turn around and go back to your comfort zone or whether to continue towards the growth zone.

The learning zone

Once we have overcome the first hurdles of the fear zone, we recognize opportunities in challenges and are encouraged to learn new skills. Now the development process starts to be fun. It feels good to surpass yourself and show yourself "greatness". In this zone, it is important that you recognize this. Be proud of yourself and be aware of even small advances. 

The growth zone

What comes next is adventure - the fulfillment, the vision, the flow. Pride in having achieved what once kept us in the comfort zone. Here, too, it is important to raise your awareness and realize that you have reached your goal. You are most likely to recognize it by the fact that everything feels easy and good around the topic or area of life in question. 

Leaving the comfort zone - here's how

In this diagram you will find your 8 areas of life. The blue inner circle represents your comfort zone; the square in the middle is the highest point of safety, furthest away from the highest fulfillment of this area of life. The outer circle represents the highest fulfillment of this area of life, where you have long since exceeded your comfort zone.

Comfort zone portance mindset

Source: Julia C. Wöllner, excerpt from the program Mountain Mindset by Julia C. Wöllner

Step 1 - Determine the status quo

Now enter an "X" for each area of life where you currently are. If you are missing an area of life, you can replace it with one of the areas listed here. Then draw a line from each "X" to the outer circle. This line shows you the length of each area of life to absolute fulfillment. The longest line therefore means the strongest expression of your comfort zone in this area of life.

Step 2 - Define your workspace

Once you have filled in the diagram and drawn the lines, decide which area you want to work with. It can be the area with your strongest expression in the comfort zone, but it can also be a different area if another one seems more important to you. Now specify this work area in as much detail as possible.

Step 3 - Reflect on your path

You can now download the appropriate reflection template for the following three steps.

Download reflection template


Look inside yourself and think about what qualities are underneath your protective shell. What has held you back so far? Where do the origins of your fear and insecurity lie? Describe your comfort zone in as much depth and detail as possible.


Then you feel and think yourself into the fulfilled and liberated momentum when you are outside your comfort zone; when there is no longer a protective shell. How do you feel then? How do you feel? What will you have then that you don't have right now


Then describe your path. What are you doing to leave your comfort zone? What skills do you need? Are they soft or hard skills? What steps are you taking? Outline it as clearly as possible so that you have a solid structure, a roadmap for your path. Feel free to use the second page of the template for download.

Closing words 

Be patient. Good things take time. On your way out of your comfort zone, don't forget to look outwards and think big. Perhaps there are other ways to support yourself. Opportunities that you are not yet aware of. Because you've never used them before. Use your breathing to bring you into the moment when you go into reflection. Use your body to grow beyond yourself.   

PS: I am always very interested in personal stories, whether success stories or challenges. Feel free to tell us about your experiences with this technology.

Follow Julia on Instagram[@julicathrine] or learn more about her Mountain Mindset Coaching program here.

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Julia Wöllner in portance

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