Routines: Your path to a successful build-up

Julia Wöllner in portance

This article is aimed at you if you want to optimize your existing routine, build a new routine or simply need new impulses to make your everyday life more efficient. By the end of this article, you will be able to create your own individual routine that will make your life sportier, more vital and more resilient. 

In this article, you will learn what routines are, what we can use them for and you will learn how to build your own routine using my 5-step plan.



What are routines?

Routines are regular, recurring actions or processes that are integrated into our everyday lives. Routines give us structure and stabilize our foundation. They can occur in different areas of our lives, such as at work, in sport or in our private lives. A morning routine, for example, can influence all areas of life by consciously preparing you for the day ahead. We can develop routines consciously or unconsciously. Consciously developed routines are based on self-reflection. If we know our weak points and needs, we can target the routine to optimize ourselves in exactly these points. 

My experience shows that many people have already unconsciously developed routines. Apparently there is an invisible guide within us that promotes this form of structure and self-affirmation. One of my workshop participants reports that she cleanses her face every morning and evening in 6 steps and thus immerses herself in a momentum of wellbeing and self-care. A professional athlete reported on his prayer routine before every competition, which helped him to gain more self-confidence. Neither of them were aware that they already had a routine.

Why do we use routines? What are the benefits?

Routines offer numerous advantages. Routines give us structure and stability. In a dynamic everyday life that is often characterized by performance and productivity, our mental balance can sometimes falter. We have not met the expectations of our own performance, we have not been able to submit the document on time, external triggers drain our energy. All of this can create stress that overwhelms us if we can no longer control it. So what do routines have to do with this? They help us to become more resilient and resistant to external influences. In short, we waste less energy on activities or thoughts that stress us out and use our energy for the things we really want to use it for.

We become more productive in everyday life, make decisions more easily and approach our goals with greater discipline.

Who uses routines?

Routines are used by people in all areas of life. Athletes use them to optimize their training plans and nutrition. Professionals use them to make their work more efficient and achieve better time management. Routines are also widely used in the personal sphere to start or end the day with positive thoughts. People of all ages and in different life situations can benefit from well-established routines.

Let's take a look at how the whole thing works in practice. The following 5 steps will show you how to develop your routine independently and individually for your personal needs. 

Your timetable - how to build your own routine 

To build your own routine, follow this 4-step plan. 

Step 1: Why am I building my routine?

Determine your status quo and set yourself clear goals.

In order to know what the components of your routine are, i.e. the measures that you continuously carry out, you first need to know your status quo. Once you have identified your weak points, you can set clear goals. Here are two examples:


Weak point (example)


I have no energy in the morning and am not very productive. I want to regulate my energy levels with a morning routine consisting of exercise and an adapted diet.
As soon as my boss is around, I doubt myself and become insecure.

I am building up my self-confidence in the long term. 


So take a moment to think about why you want to create your own routine. Write down your weak points and your goals based on them.

Step 2: How do I achieve my goals?

Define measures that will help you achieve your goals.

You already know what your goal is. Now it's time to define the path to your goal. Think about how you can achieve your goal and document it in as much detail as possible. What measures will help you achieve your goal? What new techniques are you willing to try? Would you like to use meditation to bring clarity and calm to your mind? Would you like to exercise more regularly to feel more vital? Would you like to change your diet? Would you like to reduce your coffee consumption? Do you want to journal to clear your thoughts? There are many methods. I advise you to integrate a maximum of 3 measures into a new routine. If you are already familiar with some measures, you can add more. But don't overwhelm yourself at the beginning.

So think about which 3 measures you would like to use and combine in your routine.

Step 3: Where do I set my routines? What resources do I need?

Research suitable locations/formats/channels, etc.

Clarify the location or channels for all your previously defined measures. Do you need a new membership at a studio? Do you use a YouTube channel and if so, which one? Where does your jogging route go? Do you need to buy a new journal book? Are you signing up for an online training program?

In this step, define all the resources you need to implement your routine. This will give you structure and make it easier for you to implement.

Step 4: When do I work on my goals?

Create a schedule and ensure your self-management.

Define times when you want to establish your routine. Firstly, think about how much time you want to invest per week. For example: 3x 1 hour, 2x 30 minutes or 3x 20 minutes plus 2x 45 minutes. Think about whether your routine should take place in the morning, at lunchtime or in the evening, or in a combined version. Then define the days of the week on which you will establish your routine. You can set regular times or plan time slots to allow yourself a little more flexibility. Remember - routines are not about investing as much time as possible, but about continuity. Regularity will lead you to your goal.

Step 5: Get started with implementation!

Look forward to your routine and just get started. Remember that your brain needs a maximum of 21 days to get used to new actions. As soon as the new actions feel like habits, they become almost automatic. You can always motivate yourself by keeping your goals in mind. They are your beacon that illuminates your path.

When establishing your routine in your everyday life, please be sure to follow the top 3 rules for using routines. They will strengthen your mindset in terms of perseverance and self-acceptance.

Top 3 rules when using routines: 


Allow yourself to find a healthy balance when implementing your routine. If you skip a day, that's not a bad thing. Don't put yourself under pressure to stick to your routine. Because when pressure arises, it creates stress - which is exactly what we don't want. Be mindful, loving and caring towards yourself. Your body and mind will thank you for it.


Remember that routines are dynamic. We change every day and are exposed to new challenges every day. If your routine no longer feels right for you, then optimize it. Remove, replace or add measures to optimize your routine again. Don't forget to adjust your goal setting.


Don't forget to check your results. Set reminders in your calendar, e.g. at the end of the month, and check your progress. Think of clear examples from your everyday life. Be patient with yourself, because sometimes achieving goals simply takes time. Celebrate your successes and be aware of what you have already achieved, what has already improved and how you feel since starting your routine. You can be proud of yourself for demonstrating continuity.


This is how you stay tuned... 

To maintain your routine in the long term, it is important to regularly check your progress and motivate yourself. Set yourself small, achievable intermediate goals and reward yourself for milestones reached. Find a routine partner or a community that supports and motivates you. Hang in there, even when things get tough, and remind yourself why you started this routine. Continuity and patience are the keys to success.


Closing words

Routines are powerful tools that can bring structure and stability to your everyday life. By consciously developing and adapting routines, you can make your life more efficient and fulfilling. Remember that change takes time and it's okay if you don't achieve all your goals immediately. The important thing is to keep at it, stay flexible and be proud of the progress you make. And - that you enjoy it! Feel good about what you are doing and you will achieve your goals much more easily. Start today and watch how positive changes take hold in your life.


Do you have any questions? Just send us an e-mail to [email protected] or leave a message in the chat!

Follow Julia on Instagram [@julicathrine] or learn more about their Mountain Mindset Coaching Program here.

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